Hans Asperger & the Nazi Party
(too old to reply)
John Keller
2005-12-30 04:40:52 UTC
Was Hans Asperger a Nazi Party member? He was a doctor at the University of
Vienna during the Third Reich. Is it likely a pediatrician could be able to
operate effectively without being an NSDAP member? I believe it was
required that doctors be members of the Reich Physicians' Chamber
(Reichsärztekammer), but I'm not sure if you had to be a party member to be
a member of that.
2005-12-30 05:57:20 UTC
i'm not sure about asperger, but are you the John Keller of the Aryan
Peoples' Press. you used to sign your writing like that.
Mike Stanton
2005-12-30 11:09:17 UTC
Post by Michael
i'm not sure about asperger, but are you the John Keller of the Aryan
Peoples' Press. you used to sign your writing like that.
Next year is International Asperger Year to mark the 100th anniversary
of his birth. So we can expect all sorts of weirdoes to try and muscle
in on the event. But, as I wrote in my book,

'Kanner was the first to publish a paper describing Autism in 1943.
Asperger's paper from 1944 was largely ignored as he published in
German from within the Third Reich. But he was no nazi. Today we may
detect a tendency in his writing to paint too positive a picture of
potential outcomes for people with Autism. He used the phrase
"autistic intelligence" approvingly as an explanation for genius.
Frith (1989) suggests that this "must be seen in the light of his
fervent belief in the powers of education." It should also be seen in
the light of his desire to save his patients from the gas chambers
that awaited all deemed defective by the nazi state.' (Stanton 2000

Uta Frith (ed.): Autism and Asperger Syndrome (Cambridge University
Press, 1991)
Mike Stanton: Learning to Live with High Functioning Autism; A
Parent's Guide for Professionals. (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2000)
mike stanton
serving neither god nor mammon on the lonely planet.
2005-12-30 15:30:37 UTC
thanks for the dr asperger update; as far as this persons motives are
concerned however, i'm not completely satisfied with your birthday
party tie in. :)

i've thought about it a bit, and have concluded that 'his' kind is
always lurking around, waiting for any sign that other individuals
around him, in this case newsgroups, are as disappointed with their lot
as he with his.

there's no telling how long he's been monitoring this newsgroup, but
something new, some new recent round of bitching, moaning and
complaining has caught his interest, and so, he's here to feed on it,
and convert it to his favorite of all foods; hate.


this of course is not great news, or commentary on the state of the
postings here at alt.support.autism

Mike Stanton
2005-12-30 16:28:42 UTC
Post by Michael
thanks for the dr asperger update; as far as this persons motives are
concerned however, i'm not completely satisfied with your birthday
party tie in. :)
The guy is a troll, whatever his political motivation.
mike stanton
serving neither god nor mammon on the lonely planet.
2005-12-30 17:01:49 UTC
here's another slant on him; perhaps he's recently been diagnosed ( he
has posted the same message in german at de.sci.medizin.psychiatrie )
as asperger and is creating a 'boys from brazil' fantasy for himself to
live in. i can certainly see that during one of his 'why me, i'm an
uberman' moments, he could very well have chosen 'intellegent design' (
lol ) as his raison d'etre; turning dr asperper into his personal
demented version of gregory peck's josef mengele.

perhaps the 'we've been created by extra terrestrials' story got him
going; in any case, he needs help, beyond the scope of this newsgroup,
thats for sure.

i agree that we've all been exposed to it, whatever it is, long enough,
i'm turning the page on this one.


boys from brazil, da movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077269/
2005-12-31 00:02:20 UTC
it makews no differance if he was a nazi party member or not

at the end of the day to suervive many germans and austrians had no choice
you either join the nazi party or dont live.

i have many austrian relatives who had no choice if they were to survive
,they are not proud of what they had to join

now differant story if he turned out to be an actvie member of the party in
terms of his doctoring and if it had any relevance to ahnialation of those
with aspergers or other dissabiulties mental and physicla we know the nazis
exterminated,so if his diagnosis was to end up with people being
exterminated as being weak etc then i would not like that one bit,but to be
simply a doctorr or any member of nazi party is not a crime when faced with
such brutal consequneces if you dont toe the line,germans and austrians were
under a dictator.

no choice if a regular german austrian,and expertiomantion if
gypsy/gay/jewish/disabled or if face simply did not fit,people lived in fear

regards paul
Post by Michael
thanks for the dr asperger update; as far as this persons motives are
concerned however, i'm not completely satisfied with your birthday
party tie in. :)
i've thought about it a bit, and have concluded that 'his' kind is
always lurking around, waiting for any sign that other individuals
around him, in this case newsgroups, are as disappointed with their lot
as he with his.
there's no telling how long he's been monitoring this newsgroup, but
something new, some new recent round of bitching, moaning and
complaining has caught his interest, and so, he's here to feed on it,
and convert it to his favorite of all foods; hate.
this of course is not great news, or commentary on the state of the
postings here at alt.support.autism
John Keller
2005-12-31 01:12:39 UTC
Post by PromaBoss
it makews no differance if he was a nazi party member or not
at the end of the day to suervive many germans and austrians had no choice
you either join the nazi party or dont live.
With all due respect to you, that is an incredibly stupid assertion.

The population of Nazi Germany was between 80 & 90 million people.

At peak, there were only 8.5 million Nazi party members.

So only around 10% were ever NSDAP members.

Whether Asperger was a party member or not is highly relevant, and reflects
on his research highly
whether certain people on this group like it or not. We can compare the
career of Heidegger,
who was once a party member, and a big cheerleader of National Socialism.
But he resigned from
the party and DID NOT go to a concentration camp.
2005-12-31 02:54:09 UTC
it was an assumption of many germans and austrians at the time that makes
the differrance not our knowledge of the facts 70 years later

if my relatives in both germany and austrian and people they knew thought
that one had to join nazi party to be safe,then thats what they think is it
not,if they spoke to freinds and they all said yes you better join,the nazi
party brought fear and terrror on people .

of those 80 million people who were not nazi paty members surely you must be
counting gyspies/disabled and jews and others sent to the gas chamvbers and
labour camps,so that immedialtely knocks yourr 10 per cent only figure out.

picture this if you can

my german and austrian relatives join because of fear of reprisals,its not
something they would openly discuss amongst others,but others outside the
family were just assumed to be members,with knowledge know we may well
n=know less were actually members but at the time many oridnary germans and
austirans were in fear of nazis,those who joined in things like waffen SS
and so on then yes clearly they were deidcated nazi party ,but many were
Post by John Keller
Post by PromaBoss
it makews no differance if he was a nazi party member or not
at the end of the day to suervive many germans and austrians had no
choice you either join the nazi party or dont live.
With all due respect to you, that is an incredibly stupid assertion.
The population of Nazi Germany was between 80 & 90 million people.
At peak, there were only 8.5 million Nazi party members.
So only around 10% were ever NSDAP members.
Whether Asperger was a party member or not is highly relevant, and
reflects on his research highly
whether certain people on this group like it or not. We can compare the
career of Heidegger,
who was once a party member, and a big cheerleader of National Socialism.
But he resigned from
the party and DID NOT go to a concentration camp.
2005-12-30 15:43:38 UTC
Post by Mike Stanton
Post by Michael
i'm not sure about asperger, but are you the John Keller of the Aryan
Peoples' Press. you used to sign your writing like that.
Next year is International Asperger Year to mark the 100th anniversary
of his birth. So we can expect all sorts of weirdoes to try and muscle
in on the event. But, as I wrote in my book,
'Kanner was the first to publish a paper describing Autism in 1943.
Asperger's paper from 1944 was largely ignored as he published in
German from within the Third Reich. But he was no nazi. Today we may
detect a tendency in his writing to paint too positive a picture of
potential outcomes for people with Autism. He used the phrase
"autistic intelligence" approvingly as an explanation for genius.
Frith (1989) suggests that this "must be seen in the light of his
fervent belief in the powers of education." It should also be seen in
the light of his desire to save his patients from the gas chambers
that awaited all deemed defective by the nazi state.' (Stanton 2000
Uta Frith (ed.): Autism and Asperger Syndrome (Cambridge University
Press, 1991)
Mike Stanton: Learning to Live with High Functioning Autism; A
Parent's Guide for Professionals. (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2000)
Thanks Mike, not that I ever doubted Asperger's good intentions, but I
always wondered if it wasn't dangerous to label the children with
"Autistische Psychopaten", as I recall that's how he named them at that
time, seen in that frame of time and place. I thought it would bring these
children in a dangerous situation, but as I understand now, they were
already in a dangerous situation. I'm happy to read that he tried to save
this children. Perhaps he is our own Oscar Schindler ;-)

Mike Stanton
2005-12-30 16:24:04 UTC
Post by neral
Thanks Mike, not that I ever doubted Asperger's good intentions, but I
always wondered if it wasn't dangerous to label the children with
"Autistische Psychopaten", as I recall that's how he named them at that
time, seen in that frame of time and place. I thought it would bring these
children in a dangerous situation, but as I understand now, they were
already in a dangerous situation. I'm happy to read that he tried to save
this children. Perhaps he is our own Oscar Schindler ;-)
Hi Peter,
The German word "Psychopathen" in his original title, "Die
"Autistischen Psychopathen" im Kindersalter' did not mean sociopath or
psychopath in the sense that English Speakers use those terms today.
It was a neutral term.

Maybe he is our own Schindler. Frith describes him as taking up the
cause of "children who could never join in with the gang and would
panic when forced to participate in a group. Far from despising the
misfits he devoted himself to their cause - and this at a time when
allegiance to misfits was nothing less than dangerous."
mike stanton
serving neither god nor mammon on the lonely planet.
sam ende
2005-12-30 20:38:46 UTC
Post by Mike Stanton
Hi Peter,
The German word "Psychopathen" in his original title, "Die
"Autistischen Psychopathen" im Kindersalter' did not mean sociopath or
psychopath in the sense that English Speakers use those terms today.
It was a neutral term.
yes, it means much as the latin does, of the psyche.

sam ende
2005-12-30 20:40:56 UTC
Post by sam ende
yes, it means much as the latin does, of the psyche.
or is it greek ? , whatever anyway, that.

2005-12-30 20:51:07 UTC
Post by sam ende
Post by sam ende
yes, it means much as the latin does, of the psyche.
or is it greek ?
2005-12-31 12:20:32 UTC
Post by sam ende
Post by sam ende
yes, it means much as the latin does, of the psyche.
or is it greek ?
Psychè = mind
Pathos = illness
Jan Willem
(AS, father of daughter with PDD/NOS)

Food for thought:
Grabel's Law: 2 is not equal to 3 -- not even for large values of 2.
2005-12-30 20:49:47 UTC
Post by sam ende
Post by Mike Stanton
Hi Peter,
The German word "Psychopathen" in his original title, "Die
"Autistischen Psychopathen" im Kindersalter' did not mean sociopath or
psychopath in the sense that English Speakers use those terms today.
It was a neutral term.
yes, it means much as the latin does,
Post by sam ende
of the psyche.
That's just the first element of the word.
sam ende
2005-12-30 21:06:16 UTC
Post by HGJ
That's just the first element of the word.
what the meaning of pathy then, i mean i know what it means but what is
the proper defintion and origin ?

2005-12-30 21:38:13 UTC
Post by sam ende
Post by HGJ
That's just the first element of the word.
what the meaning of pathy then, i mean i know what it means but what is
the proper defintion and origin ?
-pathy (...) [L -pathia, fr. Gk -patheia, fr. path-, stem of
paschein to experience, suffer - more at PATHOS] 1 : feeling :
suffering <apathy> <telepathy> 2 : disease of a (specified) part or
kind <idiopathy> <myopathy> 3 : therapy or system of therapy based on a
(specified) unitary theory of disease or its treatment <homeopathy>

pathos (...) [Gk, experience, emotion, passion, sufferering, fr. path-,
stem of paschein to experience, suffer; akin to OIr cessaim, cessim I
suffer, Gk penthos grief, sorrow, Latvian cìest to endure, suffer]
sam ende
2005-12-31 10:03:18 UTC
Post by HGJ
-pathy (...) [L -pathia, fr. Gk -patheia, fr. path-, stem of
suffering <apathy> <telepathy> 2 : disease of a (specified) part or
kind <idiopathy> <myopathy> 3 : therapy or system of therapy based on
a (specified) unitary theory of disease or its treatment <homeopathy>
pathos (...) [Gk, experience, emotion, passion, sufferering, fr.
path-, stem of paschein to experience, suffer; akin to OIr cessaim,
cessim I suffer, Gk penthos grief, sorrow, Latvian cìest to endure,
hi, thanks :)

2005-12-30 22:46:59 UTC
Post by Mike Stanton
Hi Peter,
The German word "Psychopathen" in his original title, "Die
"Autistischen Psychopathen" im Kindersalter' did not mean sociopath or
psychopath in the sense that English Speakers use those terms today.
It was a neutral term.
I didn't know that. In my language (Dutch) "psychopaat" is usually connected
with serial killers. That's why I thought it was dangerous.
Post by Mike Stanton
Maybe he is our own Schindler. Frith describes him as taking up the
cause of "children who could never join in with the gang and would
panic when forced to participate in a group. Far from despising the
misfits he devoted himself to their cause - and this at a time when
allegiance to misfits was nothing less than dangerous."
Perhaps Spielberg should make a movie about him, that's the least he could
do, himself being an aspie. Asperger's List. :)


John Keller
2005-12-31 01:12:39 UTC
Post by neral
Thanks Mike, not that I ever doubted Asperger's good intentions, but I
always wondered if it wasn't dangerous to label the children with
"Autistische Psychopaten", as I recall that's how he named them at that
time, seen in that frame of time and place. I thought it would bring these
children in a dangerous situation, but as I understand now, they were
already in a dangerous situation. I'm happy to read that he tried to save
this children. Perhaps he is our own Oscar Schindler ;-)
"Autistischen Psycopathen" sounds pretty nasty to us English speakers, but
it was
just a description of a "phenomenon," if you will, to a German.

There is this assumption that Asperger was trying to "save his little
professors," with no
evidence whatsoever presented.

On the contrary, it could be that Asperger was searching for the "perfect"
SS officers;
ultra-intelligent, focused on duty, and not giving a damn about the usual
(what we now call
"neurotypical") biases and emotions.

There is a terribly ignorant myth that the Third Reich gassed everyone who
"perfect." This simply wasn't so; the Hitler Youth even had sections of
that organization
for kids who were blind or deaf. As most of us know now, Asperger's is not
a "disability"
at all, but rather a specialized neurotype. The Germans cared about *what*
a person
could do, as long as they were "racially pure." The only disabled people
who were killed
in the Third Reich were those who could not work or take care of themselves
in the least.
2005-12-31 02:57:10 UTC
there are many asdpergere like me and others who cannot klook after
themselves too well and work.

its nice to know hitler woulfd of sent me and many on incapacity benefitis
currrently in UK and disabled living allowance to gas chambers

as for your othyer stuff seems like we have a nazi party sympathiser in the

the real nazis were scum and sadly some people still see them as something
special ,well if anyone i would kill it would be nazis
Post by John Keller
Post by neral
Thanks Mike, not that I ever doubted Asperger's good intentions, but I
always wondered if it wasn't dangerous to label the children with
"Autistische Psychopaten", as I recall that's how he named them at that
time, seen in that frame of time and place. I thought it would bring these
children in a dangerous situation, but as I understand now, they were
already in a dangerous situation. I'm happy to read that he tried to save
this children. Perhaps he is our own Oscar Schindler ;-)
"Autistischen Psycopathen" sounds pretty nasty to us English speakers, but
it was
just a description of a "phenomenon," if you will, to a German.
There is this assumption that Asperger was trying to "save his little
professors," with no
evidence whatsoever presented.
On the contrary, it could be that Asperger was searching for the "perfect"
SS officers;
ultra-intelligent, focused on duty, and not giving a damn about the usual
(what we now call
"neurotypical") biases and emotions.
There is a terribly ignorant myth that the Third Reich gassed everyone who
"perfect." This simply wasn't so; the Hitler Youth even had sections of
that organization
for kids who were blind or deaf. As most of us know now, Asperger's is
not a "disability"
at all, but rather a specialized neurotype. The Germans cared about
*what* a person
could do, as long as they were "racially pure." The only disabled people
who were killed
in the Third Reich were those who could not work or take care of
themselves in the least.
Mike Stanton
2005-12-31 12:43:24 UTC
On Sat, 31 Dec 2005 01:12:39 GMT, "John Keller"
Post by John Keller
The only disabled people
who were killed
in the Third Reich were those who could not work or take care of themselves
in the least.
"Only"? So that makes it all right then?
mike stanton
serving neither god nor mammon on the lonely planet.
John Keller
2006-01-01 02:13:16 UTC
Post by Mike Stanton
"Only"? So that makes it all right then?
Is that what I said?

Terry Jones
2006-01-01 09:36:18 UTC
On Sun, 01 Jan 2006 02:13:16 GMT, "John Keller"
<johnkellerf******@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

<inserted to restore context>
Post by John Keller
Post by Mike Stanton
The only disabled people who were killed
in the Third Reich were those who could not work or take care of themselves
in the least.
<end insert>
Post by John Keller
Post by Mike Stanton
"Only"? So that makes it all right then?
Is that what I said?
So what *did* you mean to convey when you wrote this?

John Keller
2005-12-31 01:12:39 UTC
Post by Mike Stanton
Asperger's paper from 1944 was largely ignored as he published in
German from within the Third Reich. But he was no nazi.
This is an assumption with no evidence ever given to bolster the assumption.

There is an unfortunate, and highly ignorant, train of thought that "nothing
good ever came
from Nazi Germany."

If that were true, the Soviets would have landed on the Moon, and America
would not have.

Regardless of Dr. Asperger's motives and who or what he was "in the pay of,"
his research
was essential and extremely valuable.

But the question remains: was an influential doctor at the University of
Vienna a party member, and
if not, why not...or more appropriately, HOW not?
2005-12-31 03:00:06 UTC
sick fucker nothing good came out of nazi germany

how dare you believe there is

nazis are scum

what the hell has soviet russia and amerioca on the moon got to do with it

soviet russia and communism is far better than what the nazis have to offer
and far more better than capitalist world we currently live in
Post by John Keller
Post by Mike Stanton
Asperger's paper from 1944 was largely ignored as he published in
German from within the Third Reich. But he was no nazi.
This is an assumption with no evidence ever given to bolster the assumption.
There is an unfortunate, and highly ignorant, train of thought that
"nothing good ever came
from Nazi Germany."
If that were true, the Soviets would have landed on the Moon, and America
would not have.
Regardless of Dr. Asperger's motives and who or what he was "in the pay
of," his research
was essential and extremely valuable.
But the question remains: was an influential doctor at the University of
Vienna a party member, and
if not, why not...or more appropriately, HOW not?
John Keller
2006-01-01 02:13:16 UTC
Post by PromaBoss
sick fucker nothing good came out of nazi germany
how dare you believe there is
If we had a time machine, we could send you back to the time of the
Inquisition, and you could burn people at the stake
for daring to claim the world was round and the Earth revolved around the

It is FACT that "Nazi science" put America on the Moon.
Post by PromaBoss
soviet russia and communism is far better than what the nazis have to
offer and far more better than capitalist world we currently live in
The only sick fucker here is YOU.

Soviet Russia murdered 100,000,000 people.
2006-01-13 14:42:13 UTC
<snip>> Soviet Russia murdered 100,000,000 people.

Jealous? because they were mnore adept at it than your ilk?

John Keller
2005-12-31 01:12:39 UTC
Post by Michael
i'm not sure about asperger, but are you the John Keller of the Aryan
Peoples' Press. you used to sign your writing like that.

Unless someone forged my headers, I've not posted as something like that.
2005-12-31 05:58:20 UTC
Newsgroups: alt.politics.white-power, alt.politics.nationalism.white, alt.skinheads, alt.revisionism
Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 04:51:52 GMT
Local: Fri, Feb 6 2004 11:51 pm
Subject: APP: An Interview with Milton Kleim

ring some bells for you?

use google groups to look yourself up, its both fun and easy; somebody
forged my headers indeed, what a twit.
go complain over at the alt.revisionism forum you coward.

made me sick cutting and pasting even this small portion of his crap
here, i'll ask the group to forgive me. but there you have it, the
sicko wants to believe in his uberman shit, and he's over here, as i
guessed, to recruit.
John Keller
2006-01-01 02:13:16 UTC
Post by Michael
ring some bells for you?
No, except maybe the ding-dong out of your head.
Post by Michael
use google groups to look yourself up, its both fun and easy; somebody
forged my headers indeed, what a twit.
go complain over at the alt.revisionism forum you coward.
made me sick cutting and pasting even this small portion of his crap
here, i'll ask the group to forgive me. but there you have it, the
sicko wants to believe in his uberman shit, and he's over here, as i
guessed, to recruit.
Child, please consider talking to mommy about the "Nazi under your bed."

I thought I was on a group regarding People with Autism, not one for
Johnny Winther Ronnenberg
2006-01-02 17:50:42 UTC
Post by John Keller
Post by Michael
ring some bells for you?
No, except maybe the ding-dong out of your head.
Post by Michael
use google groups to look yourself up, its both fun and easy;
somebody forged my headers indeed, what a twit.
go complain over at the alt.revisionism forum you coward.
made me sick cutting and pasting even this small portion of his crap
here, i'll ask the group to forgive me. but there you have it, the
sicko wants to believe in his uberman shit, and he's over here, as i
guessed, to recruit.
Child, please consider talking to mommy about the "Nazi under your bed."
I thought I was on a group regarding People with Autism, not one for
Get real with the views you have and the references you you claims are fake.
You are challenging the real comuter geeks to do hardcore tracking all the
way on, probably even into your computer.

And yes, my lastname Ronnenberg is german, its actually von Ronnenberg.

And yes, german family menbers where forced to join the nazis.

But my father helped in putting the familys honor back. When he entered
german as a menber of the danish brigade, Hunting "wherewolfs" in Berlin,
Braunschweig and several other places and helped to escort people out of
"non existing" death camps. But it marked him for the rest of his life.

Go vawering your views where you can find symphatie. I doubt you find any
followers here. Being disabled does not motivate one, to be a follower of
"the new order". Gaschambers are not a good motivation ;-)

Best regards
Johnny Winther Ronnenberg
2005-12-30 19:42:52 UTC
Spindle to JK.
Hello John,

I am trying to establish a probability that the NSDAP used a documented
'personnel profiling system' for SS and or Gestapo (or other)
prospective partyapplicants/ candidates. (apart from obvious ideology
vetting) Any suggestions or comments?
sam ende
2005-12-30 20:43:15 UTC
Post by j***@btopenworld.com
Spindle to JK.
Hello John,
I am trying to establish a probability that the NSDAP used a
documented 'personnel profiling system' for SS and or Gestapo (or
other) prospective partyapplicants/ candidates. (apart from obvious
vetting) Any suggestions or comments?
apart form foff ?, not really.

2005-12-31 18:46:06 UTC
Thank you for your comment.
I imply that the Nazi ubermensch nonsense might be futher categorised
as aberational (paranoid) by the official profiling methods of that
It would certainly irritate Aryan supremacists if institutional
documents/ procedures existed and were submitted to evaluation by
today's 'trickcyclists'.
With regards to Dr aspberger, the reference merely caught my eye, his
work is valid I don't doubt.
Autism is a sometimes distressing particle in the range of 'so called'
normal human behaviour. Exploration in the autistic condition is a
journey not a destination. Dr Asperger's work is a small part.
I do not need to justify this approach. I workwith it.
By joinindg this forum I had hoped to gain some informed enlightenment.

Do I detect a thread of Neo Fascism accross the group?
Mike Stanton
2005-12-31 19:06:07 UTC
Post by j***@btopenworld.com
Do I detect a thread of Neo Fascism accross the group?
No, just the one to whom you replied. If your first post to the group
is an enquiry to a nazi about gestapo profiling methods do not be
surprised if people think you are one as well.

Let's start again. Welcome.
mike stanton
serving neither god nor mammon on the lonely planet.
2005-12-31 19:15:21 UTC
To Mike Stanton from Spindle.

Thank you Mike. I am testing the water.

In the round I shall eventually swim.

You will have gathered my drift.

Happy New Year!

John Keller
2005-12-31 01:12:39 UTC
Post by j***@btopenworld.com
Spindle to JK.
Hello John,
I am trying to establish a probability that the NSDAP used a documented
'personnel profiling system' for SS and or Gestapo (or other)
prospective partyapplicants/ candidates. (apart from obvious ideology
vetting) Any suggestions or comments?
Unfortunately, I wish I could assist, but I can't. I'm not an expert on the

I would presume such a profiling system was used, given the Germans'
obssession with

I'm investigating whether Dr. Asperger was working on direct authority of a
Reich agency to
identify "exceptional" and "gifted" children, leading to his now famous
research. Like with
Martin Heidegger, Asperger's association, and probable NSDAP membership is
"difficult" for those who want to admire and utilize his research and
The autist formerly known as
2005-12-31 12:32:34 UTC
If I knew the address of Maria Asperger, which unfortunately I do not, I
would consider informing her of your libels. Do not consider that because Dr
Asperger is deceased, that you cannot be sued for bringing the family into
disrepute with your lies. Look what has happened to revisionist (so called)
historian David Irving.

L'autisme c'est moi

"Space folds, and folded space bends, and bent folded space contracts and
expands unevenly in every way unconcievable except to someone who does not
believe in the laws of mathematics"
Post by John Keller
Was Hans Asperger a Nazi Party member? He was a doctor at the University of
Vienna during the Third Reich. Is it likely a pediatrician could be able to
operate effectively without being an NSDAP member? I believe it was
required that doctors be members of the Reich Physicians' Chamber
(Reichsärztekammer), but I'm not sure if you had to be a party member to be
a member of that.
John Keller
2006-01-01 02:13:16 UTC
Post by The autist formerly known as
If I knew the address of Maria Asperger, which unfortunately I do not, I
would consider informing her of your libels. Do not consider that because Dr
Asperger is deceased, that you cannot be sued for bringing the family into
disrepute with your lies. Look what has happened to revisionist (so called)
historian David Irving.

Historical research is "libel." BWA HA HA HA

This matter could be put to a close quite quickly:

Answer the Question (was Asperger a Party member or not, and prove your
2006-01-01 04:38:00 UTC
it's much more fun exposing your alliances :)

come on, quote george orwell next, you know you want to, it's what you
always do.
come on, you can't help yourself.
thats a good puppy.
The autist formerly known as
2006-01-01 10:55:06 UTC
Well in Hans Aspergers native country that was illegally annexed by the
Nazi's (don't try and pretend otherwise) David Irving has committed
offences, Irving is not a historian but a propogandist.

As for finding out about Asperger, I am in the process of that which is
something that cannot be achieved on the internet, don't expect instant

L'autisme c'est moi

"Space folds, and folded space bends, and bent folded space contracts and
expands unevenly in every way unconcievable except to someone who does not
believe in the laws of mathematics"
Post by John Keller
Historical research is "libel." BWA HA HA HA
Answer the Question (was Asperger a Party member or not, and prove your
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